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1948 E Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, United States

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We’re Here to Help with All Your Crafting Needs and Questions

Frequently Asked Question!

Absolutely! Our Pure Wool Yarn is ideal for felting projects. It felts beautifully and comes in a range of natural colors that are perfect for various felting crafts.

For beginners, I recommend our Acrylic Blend Yarn. It’s easy to handle, affordable, and comes in a variety of colors, making it perfect for those just starting out with knitting or crochet.

For a standard scarf, you would typically need about 2 skeins of our Chunky Wool Yarn. It depends on the length and width you prefer, so feel free to reach out with your project details for a more tailored recommendation!

Yes, our Organic Cotton Yarn is hypoallergenic and incredibly soft, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin. It’s chemical-free and gentle enough for baby clothes and blankets too.

Yes, our Superwash Merino Wool Yarn is specially treated to be machine washable while maintaining the wool’s natural softness. It’s perfect for garments that require frequent cleaning.

Our yarns are ethically sourced from trusted suppliers in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, ensuring high-quality, sustainable products. We are committed to providing eco-friendly and ethical crafting materials.

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